I had no idea what to expect cycling into Turkey. To tell the truth I knew very little about this country except that i could find plenty of kabobs to eat and that the men love their mustachios. At first i was shocked to see how modern this country is, i was expecting something on par with Morocco. But of course you have both the BMW's and the donkey carts wheeling down the same road. You realize that some people are living the same as their ancestors did a few hundred years ago, except with a cell phone in hand. This was starting the adventure for me, entering Turkey. This bridge of land connecting Europe and Asia with so much diversity and history proved to be both uplifting and rewarding as well as disappointing at times as i cycled over 2,000 kms from Greece to Georgia. Here's my little report.
My first stop in Turkey was Istanbul. I arranged to stay with a local man named Yassar who lived in the old part of the city, the place is called Sultanamat. Yassar is a member of the online "couchsurfing" community where travelers stay with locals offering a place to sleep, and in my case hopefully wash, free of charge. The only thing required really is to be open and share information about your culture. I like this as you can learn more about a place by talking with the locals than by hiding in a hotel room with sat TV. It turned out that Yassar was extremely nice and also knew plenty of Turkish history and culture, which he was eager to share with me. I found that as long as the conversation was not focused on America or American foreign policy he was great to talk with and agreeable. (This is something that as an American traveler you come to live with, the fact that many people are counting the days and literally praying for when America goes "down". Some people have no problem telling this to your face then expect you to agree with them. Bizarre if you ask me. And im not just talking about Turkey but all through Europe im hearing this talk. Quite frankly im over it. All countries have their problems, right? "Hello, my name is Miles Raney. Iv traveled to the other side of the globe on my bicycle to meet you. Can we please talk about something else, something constructive, something positive.") So after five days of Istanbul crazyness I was ready to move on and see the quieter side of Turkey. But as it turned out the morning I was supposed to leave was the morning I got robbed.
The night before I was gearing up, washing my clothes and organizing all my important documents, making sure I had enough cash to reach the next city and checking that I had all my belongings. I do remember locking the door before dosing off to some music playing on my itouch. A common thing that took place during my stay was that one of the servers that worked at Yassars restaurant would come and shower when he finished his shift at night. I was assured that he was a good friend of Yassars partners and a trustworthy fellow. So it was no different on the night I was robbed; their was knocking on the door, i let him in, and then i fell back onto the bed and passed out. When i awoke it took some time to notice what had happened. I started packing the dried clothes and brushed my teeth. Then I looked to the table where my Otlieb handlebar bag was with slr camera, credit cards, passport (with Chinese visa), International vaccination card, 400 TL$, and about 3,000 photos of traveling Europe. Gone. I looked to the smaller table next to my bed for the itouch and it too was missing. What was going on?! Did someone come into my room while I was sleeping and take my things? Was I set up? I started to freak out and Osgar, the DJ eventually heard my yelling and ran upstairs to find out what was going on. He looked stressed as well saying both his phones were missing but his laptop was still in his room. How can I know this for certain or if he's just pretending to be another victim so im not suspicious? I lose it saying that i want the police here NOW! I want the waiter/server here NOW! I wanted to know how/why this happened on the last evening of my stay, which I made clear to Yassar the day before. Why did the server not lock the room door when he left my room and then why did he leave the downstairs door unlocked as well, which he admits doing. It was later that we found the camera footage of the man who stole my things. He entered the building about 40 minutes after the doors were unlocked by this server early in the morning according to the statements and the timed footage. The man on the video was clearly not the server and in my opinion the image quality was so poor that I doubted any possibility of ever identifying him in person. What to do? Im thinking this is so sketchy, where to begin? OK lets go to the police station. I go and notice that everyone from the restaurant has been there for some time, given their statement, and now are joking with the two policemen now in from of me. Osgar is translating what the police officer is saying and now evidently its my turn, last but not least, to give my statement. This is somewhat painful as im now reliving the experience of loosing so much, photos i cant buy, bla,bla, bla. Osgar is telling me as I write out a list of items I no longer have that the Turkish government is giving refunds to tourists who have been robbed and that i shouldnt worry. Im about to crack.
I still look back and wonder what really happened, was i set up? I dont blame Yassar or believe he could do something like this, but i doubt the credibility of the younger men working at the bar and restaurant downstairs. I stayed another four days with Yassar waiting for a replacement passport and cash sent from Alaska via Western Union. The cash took time and Yassar and Osgar fed me and took great care of me during this difficult period. It felt strange not to have a single penny or any ID in such a large city as Istanbul and i was certainly feeling depressed. When the temp. passport was delivered by UPS I noticed immediately that it wasnt going to work and that I would have to request for another full passport. But not in Istanbul, at this point Istanbul was driving me crazy. I just needed to move forward and put this town and experience behind me. So I left that afternoon after good by's with some of the locals and Yassar. Time to cross the Bosphorus into Asia.
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Blue Mosque, Istanbul |
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ferry across the Bosphorus. I tried to force a smile but couldnt manage it. |
My first objective was to cycle out of Istanbul without getting hit by a truck or car. Sounds easy enough but from Greece it took two full days of combat cycling through outlying cities and Istanbul to reach the center. The traffic was so bad I had to take these "Pow-Wow's" to regain my composure, then try again with my toes crossed. In hindsight I was incredibly lucky to only have a lot of close calls and a few stories to tell my nephews. All in all it was a stupid idea. So how to exit Istanbul(ALIVE) on the bike going east? On my dodgey map it indicated a ferry service about 70kms east from the center, from the Bosphorus. From there it was a quick hop, about 10 kms across the edge of the Marmara Sea to a much quieter place with farms and small villages. I was happy with this decision. After day one of cycling out of Istanbul I had a great campsite in the foothills alongside Lake Iznik. What a dramatic change in landscape and atmosphere to my restless days above a dance club with no other option but to count the hours. Free at last, free at last.
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A change of pace. First night out of Istanbul. |
The temperature got warmer everyday as I traveled southeast into interior Turkey and I wondered if my continued route through the south was a good idea. My daily routine was based on how to maximize my time on the bike, to stay out of the sun as much as possible, to cool down using the water springs along the road, and of course, hydration with Coca-Cola products and water. The last part is no joke. I feel like now having cycled 40,000kms around the world in difficult places; Western Sahara desert, western Bolivia, northern Argentina and Chile, Namibia, and now Turkey(Placing as the hottest) that now I have a little experience of what works and what does not. For example, a pint of yogurt followed by three cups of strong tea is a bad idea to pound before a ride. Iv tried beer as well but it turns out that this causes detrimental effects on your system when pedaling in 100 degree weather. Its trial and error man.
So I arrive on another sizzling day in Cappadocia with not a lot of expectation but some curiosity. It was definitely worth the trip and much larger in scope than I had originally thought before coming. Is this not why we travel, to know by direct experience.

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erosion is an amazing force. Wind and Water |
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an old church carved into the rock |

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the Kurdish road construction crew |
The Kurdish people represent a significant number of people in Turkey even though they are a minority. They inhabit the east and southeast of Turkey and the core is located in southeast Turkey, west Iran, northern Iraq, and northern Syria. Unfortunately, the man who drew the map overlooked this and now you have a people divided, who are being forced to assimilate under there separate states of government. What is the out come? History will show that the Kurds have been here longer than the Turks, or Ottomans. They have their own language(Indo-European) and culture, which the Turkish government has tried to forcibly assimilate to Turkish, starting in 1930s. This was actually one of the conditions that Turkey had to fix in order to gain favor with the EU and make it possible to join the European Nation. Of course this will never happen but Turkey did make changes to this particular policy, maybe even for the wrong reasons. So now you have an aggressive force on the Kurdish side who call themselves the PKK, it stands for something like the workers rights movement. I must make note however, that not all Kurdish people are for this kind of action and want peace above all things. They do not support the PKK. The PKK are considered a gorilla force and have been laibled by America and the EU as a terrorist organization since the late 80's. The Kurdish people above all things want equality and to preserve their culture and dont take an aggressive stance. During my ride through Turkey there were many clashes in the south and southeast between the PKK and the Turkish Amy. Solders on both sides were being killed and I realized that I needed to be extra careful cycling this stretch of road. Let me just say I was far from these areas and in no danger.
By the time I had entered Malatya I was in Kurdish territory. There was no sign or checkpoint, you just notice how people refer to things. For example, the tea is no longer Turkish tea but Kurdish tea. Wow, OK, no problem. This sorta came as a surprise as I was expecting the Kurds further east and south. It all became crystal clear one day traveling on a small back road to Nemrut. Do I have to explain again how hot it was? I cycled by a road worker and asked for some water because I had ran out and started to feel a little desperate. I was parched and according to my map the next village was another 30 kms or so. He was a tall middle aged man with a clean shave and a cigarette in his hand. He gestured that he had no water than looked me and the bike over. Noticing the Turkish flag on my bike he gave me a strange look and said, "This is Kurdistan not Turkey". Strike two. I rode off a little disheartened and still in need of water. One thing was for certain, that flag had to go.

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so beautiful the Kurdish mountains are |
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a Kurdish campsite |
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Nemrut |
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represent'n |
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Antiochus ancestors |
Its special moving through the world under your own power, making your own decisions, choosing a path your clueless about, overcoming obstacles. No doubt this is what we are all doing in life.
Nemrut is located on a mountain top over 2000m in the southeastern region of Turkey. This place is believed to contain the sacred tomb of Antiochus I. It was during 62 BC that Antiochus had built a "tomb sanctuary" with statues of himself, two lions, two eagles, and a list of Greek, Armenian, and Iranian Gods. The statues each inscribed with a name of a deity. One stone slab shows the oldest know image of two figures shaking hands, between Antiochus I and Heracles.
It was unreal to see these carvings in such an environment, atop a mountain. There was a cool breeze and I took my time up there imagining the work and skill involved to build such a site. Trying also to imagine the statues as they were, unmolested by people and nature, thousands of years ago.
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ferried across Ataturk Lake, (dammed river). |
So I stop at a gas station just out of Severik and ask the attendant if its ok for me to camp behind the station. He looks at me as though nothing could be more normal and fitting. Naturally. I scavenge the shelves inside for any worthy calories. More biscuits, chips, liter of juice, chocolate donuts, crackers, soda pop. Definitely not the South Beach diet. I take all these goodies outside where the man has a half dozen lawn chairs and enjoy this interesting meal. BON APPITITE! I was exhausted and retired after the junkfood binge.
I managed the next morning to make it into Severik. By 9 am it was too hot to cyle in the sun. I found a local cafe were I was planning on killing some time and was then invited into the owners house directly above the cafe for breakfast.
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In the shade. proved fairly accurate when compared to time/temp signs in EU |
The low point of this trip was the stretch between Severik and Cermik. The road was literally melting and bubbling, making cracking and popping sounds and looked like an oil slick. I could feel the weight of the bike sink into the asphalt and bog down requiring twice the effort to keep moving. I was now fighting a direct headwind that was so hot i literally was laughing to myself, maybe I lost it a little too. Breathing now became difficult and I started to worry a little if I was able to get out of this environment under my own power. I never amagined that it could get this tough on a bike. And people say roadbik'n easy.
I continued until dark that first day out of Severik and then camped off the road out of sight from drivers or any people. The temperature drops so slowly and I admire my surroundings. Im in the badlands with rugged rocks and gorges, some farmlands and fields here and there mainly growing grain for cattle.
Im awoke by five men outside my tent, all have flashlights, and two I notice have rifles. A man kneels down next to my tent and holds out a sheet of paper with some writing on it. He starts speaking in english, "Its not safe place for camping you must come with us." Im awake now. I ask whats going on? why is it not safe? But its clear he only speaks Turkish. I indicate that I want to see identification cards, not that I have any control over the situation or any choice, I just wanted to see how they react to this. The man who read the card promptly pulled out his wallet and showed me what looked like an ID but it was hard to tell in the dark. I was starting to get worried. How did they know I was hear? Im so stealth when I seek a campsite and I thought I had mastered the art of wild camping. Im a fool. I start packing my things and hand my bags to the men I assume are solders who in turn shuttle this gear to a car parked back on the road a few hundred yards away. Im following this procession and then start loading my things into what looks like a taxi. OH, NO! I hate taxis in far away places. The last time I got into a cab was Congo Kinshasa and that was a crazy experience. The last thing they loaded or tried to load was the bike. We tried many different methods but it just wouldnt fit. The man in charge(with the english letter) pointed down the road and leaned the bike up against me. It was at this point that I started to cool down and relax a little, after all, they weren't about to stuff me into a taxi in the middle of the night, off in Timbuktou. I pedaled forward with the car lights shining from behind illuminating the road not knowing my destination. Every so often a giant scorpion would try his luck crossing the road. Maybe I had some luck coming my way. About seven kms of hilly road led to the Turkish military base and I sighed a breath of relief. The place they recommended for camping was a little too close to the road but at this point I just needed to lay down and process what just happened, maybe even get some sleep.
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My first hotel room out of Istanbul. Elazig. mirrors are a great source of entertainment. Forget weight watchers, join my program today. follow me & loose 20lbs in less than a week. |
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Traditional Kurdish food at the music festival in Tunceli. |
My route was through the mountains from Elazig to Tunceli and then up to Erzurum to collect my passport before crossing into Georgia. I stayed in Elazig for one night at a hotel in the center of town. It took three hotels, as I had no passport or ID, before one German owner looked at me and allowed me to stay one night. Its against the law in Turkey and most countries to let forengers stay for lodging without procuring a passport. I knew my predicament and if it wasn't possible I was willing to cycle out of the city and camp. But I was persistent and thanks to that German fellow I had a bed to sleep in if only for one evening.
The next day I heard some talk about some festival happening nearby. I wasnt too sure what was going on and where I just continued on to Tunceli about 100Kms from Elizag. I soon discovered that the music festival was happening right here and that there was two days left. This was actually a big deal. The biggest Kurdish festival in all of Turkey is held every year in Tunceli. Kurds from Syria, Iran, and Iraq are coming for this event as well as some Turks and Europeans. I soon discovered that I too really enjoy this music. Its almost like very modern Native American music you would hear on KMBA. Heavy percussion, melodic guitar rifts, and beautiful women/men singers. For me it takes time for the this stuff to sink in and now I look back and realize how special this festival was. The sounds, smells, and visuals. These people have so much to be proud of. There was a little tension at times with the PKK flags waving in the air. I dont believe I saw one Turkish flag during this time. But most of the people just wanted to hear good music, uplifting music. There seemed to me a certain tone to the music and lyrics that suggested a people discriminated against. This could just be me as I dont speak any Turkish but this is just the feeling I got. Not that the music was sad to listen to. On the contrary, it was like, stand tall and be proud of who you are and where you come from. Its the same thing, same story America has with Native Americans.
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Kurdish band from Istanbul |
Never cycle in a county where the people are practicing Ramadan. Not that this poses any serious problems but for your enjoyment as a cycle tourist who needs food and water to get from point A to point B, trust me. During August most Muslims are in the holy month of Ramadan, a month of fasting lasting from sunrise to sunset. Its during this time they refrain from eating, drinking, and having sexy time. It is in this way they come to know humility and sacrifice.
I was surprised to discover that this month also grosses the most profit from grocery stores. I have no issuse with this as im just an observer but the amount of food I saw people carrying home was amazing. I admit I would do the same if I was in their shoes. I just got a little frustrated how people treated me during this time. Like your almost not welcome. We are doing "this", what are you doing. A little holier-than- thou attitude if you ask me. Very cold. I would cycle into a town soaked with sweat and eventually find a store where I could buy some food and drink. It was obvious Im in need of calories and water. But I always got dirty looks from people and sometimes the men would come up to me while I was eating and repeatedly say "RAMADAN! RAMADAN!" What can I say to this but "OK,OK". "How about this? not everyone on this planet is the same, with the same opinions and beliefs. Whats important is that we respect one another. Right? I respect you and your beliefs, can you respect me and mine." Let me make note that at this time I had crossed back into Turkish territory. My point is not to make the Turks look bad and the Kurds look good. Im just making observations as I go.

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Kurdish herders in norther Turkey, before entering Georgia. |
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returning from working the fields |